Dry puncture is an invasive physiotherapy technique that is based on the treatment of myofascial trigger points by means of needles.

In order to understand the mechanism of action of the technique, we must know the Myofascial Pain Syndrome. This is a set of signs and symptoms caused by myofascial trigger points (MTP). A MTP is a hyper-enterable node within the tense band of the muscle (what is known as contracture). We recognize by the palpation of the tense band the MTP since it is at the point of more pain of the band. These MTPs can be treated conservatively with manual compression, stretching, and other techniques such as post-isometric relaxation. But if the muscle is accessible and the patient tolerates it, the treatment of choice is the dry puncture, since it is the only way to trigger an inflammatory response that regenerates the affected tissue.

Indications of dry puncture are very varied. Any person suffering from pain related to muscle causes can be treated by conservative or invasive techniques. But this treatment is really effective in people who suffer from chronic pain, which does not improve after many physiotherapy sessionsIt is also very effective in athletic patients, musicians, self-employed workers who can not stop working, due to the rapidity of their results. With few sessions you can achieve very beneficial results.

This technique also has contraindications. It can not be applied in people with coagulation problems, in children, in pregnant women to prevent spontaneous abortion related to the practice of dry puncture, if there are breast implants it is not advisable and if there is Medical-legal litigation either.

As it is an invasive technique, it entails risks that are totally avoidable if the person who practices the treatment has the proper training. The patient must know these risks and must sign informed consent to avoid conflicts in case of complications. These risks are very rare, and are the following: pneumothorax, nerve injury, myoedema, infection, bleeding and muscle spasm.

Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Unit / Mrs. Fàtima Sultan Hamudy

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