Last Monday, November 27, at the Dr. Isaac Contel Auditorium, of the Policlínica Comarcal del Vendrell, the Preventive-Medical Seminar took place: “How do they affect and how to prevent cardiovascular problems in the company?” by the Policlínica Comarcal del Vendrell and with the collaboration of Mutua Universal. The seminar was inaugurated by Mr. Martí Carnicer, Mayor of El Vendrell and by Cristina Contel, President of the Alliance of Spanish Private Health and Vice President of the European Union of Private Hospitals.

The day counted with recognized experts in this topic such as Dr. Adolf Descalzi and Dr. Trallero, who presented the reality of cardiovascular diseases in the 21st century and its consequences, as well as possible interventions for improvement and approach from the point of business view.

Throughout the second part of the day, the participants were able to hear the business experience and good practices adopted by the company Messer Ibérica by the hand of Mr. Jaume Aguadé and then Mr. Pep Méndez made a basic training for the use of an AED to all attendees and a practical demonstration.

It was a session with a large participation that ended with the willingness on the part of companies and workers to invest in the prevention of risk factors and in the application of healthy habits, of which all must be participants.