Antibiotics have saved millions of lives in recent decades since the era of antibiotics began in 1940 with Penicillin.

It is essential to use them correctly to be useful and not counterproductive. For this, we must highlight a series of points that are important to consider:

– They are only effective for infections caused by bacteria. Most childhood infections are caused by viruses and therefore are not cured or relieved with antibiotics. Examples of the most frequent viral infections: common cold, flu and most gastroenteritis.

– Fever is a symptom, that is, a warning signal that accompanies various processes, and until we have a probable diagnosis of its origin, it is NOT treated with antibioticsThe evolution and duration of fever will not be governed by the early indication of an antibiotic, but by the cause that generates the increase in body temperature.

The law prohibits selling antibiotics without a prescription. Only the doctor can prescribe them. They should not be taken without your supervision.

Antibiotics left over from other treatments should not be used. These should be taken to SIGRE point (collection points in pharmacies) for recycling.

Antibiotics should not be stopped even if the symptoms of the disease disappear, except by medical indication.

– Antibiotics are safe medications but in some cases, they can have side effects or produce allergies. In these cases, you should consult with the doctor.

– Badly used antibiotics are no longer effective because the bacteria become resistant to their effects. This is a serious health problem.

– Antibiotics should be used with certain precautions during pregnancy and lactation. These circumstances should be reported to your doctor.

– Remind: If you take an antibiotic to fight a virus: IT WILL NOT CURE the infection, it WILL NOT HELP you to feel better, it WILL NOT AVOID others from catching it.

– Finally: we can prevent the spread of infections through proper hygiene. Hands should be washed with soap and water, especially before eating or breastfeeding a baby, and after going to the toilet or helping your child when going to the toilet, after changing the diaper, after cleaning or blowing your nose or helping your child do this and after touching a pet. Teach these healthy habits to your children.

Dr. Novoa

Pediatrics Unit

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