It is one of the most common infections in the world population, it is a multifactorial problem, that is, it is generated due to the sum of several causes, here we will analyze each of them.

It is basically the destruction of dental hard tissues (enamel and dentine) due to the acids of the bacteria that feed on our cariogenic diet. Once the structural damage is produced, the caries progresses towards the inside of the tooth where the soft tissue is located, which is the dental nerve or pulp. With this, what we want to emphasize is that it is a process that progresses and grows bigger inside our teeth, being able to destroy the entire tooth structure. Therefore, it is vital to visit your dentist of trust, maintain a correct oral hygiene in addition to controlling the cariogenic diet.

Factors that determine the presence of CARIES:

  1. Morphology of the teeth: There is a greater chance of suffering from caries if we have very deep pits, spaces between the teeth or a defective quality of the enamel. This can only be determined by specialists. Depending on the case and if necessary, the cracks can be sealed. As for the bad occlusion, it is advisable to realign the entire arcade with orthodontics to avoid the accumulation of plaqueRegarding the defects in the enamel, it is best to place fluoride once a year in the dental offices and in this way a kind of varnish that protects the tooth enamel is generated.
  2. The saliva. The role that saliva plays in our mouth is vital. In the saliva digestion begins thanks to its enzymes and generates a kind of constant sweep that keeps the mouth clean. Finally, it helps to remineralize eroded zones, as long as the pH is neutral or close to 7 and an amount from normal to abundant. If the salivary Ph is more acidic, it helps the presence of caries to increase, favoring tooth erosion. Saliva can not be significantly modified, but we can improve it by ingesting alkaline foods such as milk, dairy products, yoghurts, cheeses, or taking antacid stomach pills as if they were sweets.
  3. The cariogenic diet. The diet is basically what the bacteria “feed” on, so the less we feed them, the less they will grow. The cariogenic diet is based on carbohydrates, pasta, potatoes, bread, flour, sugars. Carbohydrates are fundamental for our lives because they are the ones that provide us with energy, so it is not wise to stop consuming them. You just have to maintain proper hygiene, and maintain control, do not overeat them. We also have to take care of the exposure time of our teeth to acids, sodas, citrus, spicy substances, etc.
  4. Hygiene. This point, although it is obvious is important to emphasize it. We must brush our teeth after each meal, always waiting 15-20 minutes to encourage the acidity to rise, because it usually goes down when eating to start the process of digestion in the mouth. In addition to the frequency, the technique and an adequate toothbrush are essential. We will deepen in this point in another article.
  5. Genetics. Of course, everything is inherited, both the favorable and the unfavorable genotype. If a relative suffers from periodontitis, or general caries, the patient will be more likely to suffer from dental disease.

The way to maintain a correct state of dental health is to periodically visit your dentist and clarify all your doubts about the risk factors of dental caries.

Dental Clinic Unit / Dr. Jimenez