New pain paradigms in the light of neuroscience


Descartes’s theory that pain necessarily came from pathological tissues and that it becomes conscious in the brain has now been eradicated. Today we know that as a result of a perceived harmful stimulus in the tissues, a threat evaluation process is developed that causes a series of central phenomena that will trigger pain as a […]

The rise of aesthetic medicine

Currently, 40% of the population is a user of the well-known aesthetic medicine. This is characterized by providing an improvement in appearance in a natural and discreet manner, thus also improving the patients’ self-esteem and showing the best version of each of them. Aesthetic medicine is not only “Botox” and lips with hyaluronic acid, even […]

PCV 2020 blood donation

Once again, the Policlinica Comarcal del Vendrell has been part of the “Dona el millor de tu dona sang” project promoted by the Department of Health together with the Blood and Tissue Bank. On January 14, the PCV welcomed a high percentage of people who wanted to participate in the initiative by donating blood. There […]

POLIESTETIC: New Aesthetic Medical Service of Policlinica Comarcal del Vendrell

Nuevo Servicio Médico Estético de Policlínica Comarcal del Vendrell

The Regional Polyclinic of Vendrell opens from October 1 the new service “POLIESTETIC” that includes the specialties of aesthetic medicine and cosmetic surgery. The clinic has long had the specialties of dermatology and dermoesthetics, in the hands of Dr. Molina and Dr. Lacruz, and more recently Dr. Ferreres. But now the unit is reinforced with […]

“Let’s talk without fear, without shame”

When talking about women’s health, unfortunately, we find many taboos. The origin is clear: until recently, it was not talk so openly about “women’s problems.” Going to the gynecologist was reserved for when there was no other choice. The grandmother’s remedies were worth more: If it stings you down there “put yogurt in the area […]

With the arrival of the summer, external otitis appear


The heat and the holidays favor bathing in pools and beaches, but being a long time under water facilitates the appearance of the so-called swimmer’s ear. With summer and high temperatures, a new routine begins: vacations, summer camps, the beach, etc., which help to cool off and take advantage of the practice of sports related […]

Presentation and tribute of the new work of Antoni Vives Fierro by the PCV

Last Thursday, June 13, at the “Dr. Isaac Contel Auditorium” of the Policlinica Comarcal del Vendrell, the presentation of the new work that the artist Antoni Vives-Fierro has created by the PCV took place. During the event, which was very well received, the documentary “Pater” that her daughter and also artist, Claudia Vives-Fierro, made at first […]

Prostatic and renovesical pathologies

Dr. Hernández tells us about the leading techniques performed at the Polyclinic for the treatment of different prostatic and renovesical pathologies. Dr. Hernandez, could you tell me what kind of treatments are done at the center? Since I joined the Polyclinic in 2011, there has been no other objective than to turn the Urology service […]

Growth factors


Dr. Saura explains us what are infiltrations with plasma rich in growth factors. A revolutionary technique in the treatment of injuries and joint regeneration. What are the growth factors? They are substances, in this case proteins, that are found in the bloodstream as part of the serum, and contribute to the regeneration of degenerated or […]

Colonoscopy as a screening method for colon cancer

La colonoscopia como método de cribaje del cáncer de colon

Can we prevent colon cancer? We know that 85% of malignant tumors of the colon originate from an adenomatous polyp that progresses to cancer throughout an evolutionary cycle lasting 3-10 years. If we perform a colonoscopy and remove the polyp, we cut the evolutionary cycle, its natural history. Do all polyps turn into cancer? Not […]