Speech therapy in Policlinica Comarcal del Vendrell

logopeda en policlinica comarcal del vendrell

Speech therapy is the specialty that is dedicated to working in the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of communication disorders, whether they are speech or language, swallowing, hearing and voice in both adults and children. The most frequently attended problems are: • Speech disorders: dyslalias, phonological awareness. • Muscle tone, breathing and swallowing in patients with […]


Preguntas frecuentes policlinica comarcal del vendrell

What is informed consent? Informed consent is the free, voluntary and conscious consent of a patient, manifested in the full use of his powers after receiving the appropriate information, so that an action takes place that affects his health, in this case a technique or exploration. diagnostic imaging. Not all diagnostic imaging techniques or scans […]

Computed tomography (CT)

Tomografía computarizada (TC)

Computed tomography (CT) is a test done with a machine with a hole inside an X-ray tube. The patient stretches without moving on a table that moves up and down, in and out, while the x-ray tube rotates around his body. Thus, images of the body can be generated from different angles. It is especially […]

Magnetic resonance

Resonancia magnética

Magnetic resonance imaging is a test that uses a powerful magnet and radio waves to be able to visualize internal structures of our body in detail. The patient stretches on a mobile table that is inserted into the equipment. What does it consist of? Unlike X-rays and CT scans, MRI uses magnets and radio waves. […]



It is known by all that more and more society has a greater number of more reliable and reproducible tools to access all kinds of information, and obviously the health sector is not left out of this informative siege, parallel, on the other hand, to the scientific-bibliographic channels that every medical graduate acquires throughout his […]

New pain paradigms in the light of neuroscience


Descartes’s theory that pain necessarily came from pathological tissues and that it becomes conscious in the brain has now been eradicated. Today we know that as a result of a perceived harmful stimulus in the tissues, a threat evaluation process is developed that causes a series of central phenomena that will trigger pain as a […]

The rise of aesthetic medicine

Currently, 40% of the population is a user of the well-known aesthetic medicine. This is characterized by providing an improvement in appearance in a natural and discreet manner, thus also improving the patients’ self-esteem and showing the best version of each of them. Aesthetic medicine is not only “Botox” and lips with hyaluronic acid, even […]

POLIESTETIC: New Aesthetic Medical Service of Policlinica Comarcal del Vendrell

Nuevo Servicio Médico Estético de Policlínica Comarcal del Vendrell

The Regional Polyclinic of Vendrell opens from October 1 the new service “POLIESTETIC” that includes the specialties of aesthetic medicine and cosmetic surgery. The clinic has long had the specialties of dermatology and dermoesthetics, in the hands of Dr. Molina and Dr. Lacruz, and more recently Dr. Ferreres. But now the unit is reinforced with […]

“Let’s talk without fear, without shame”

When talking about women’s health, unfortunately, we find many taboos. The origin is clear: until recently, it was not talk so openly about “women’s problems.” Going to the gynecologist was reserved for when there was no other choice. The grandmother’s remedies were worth more: If it stings you down there “put yogurt in the area […]