Patient Care Service Award

Premiados PCV

Policlinica Comarcal de El Vendrell receives the award in the family management model for its excellence in patient care services



The Fotofinder Medicam 1000 videodermatoscopy equipment available at the Vendrell Regional Polyclinic is a state-of-the-art solution for obtaining and managing clinical and dermoscopic images of skin lesions. Dermoscopy is a dermatological exploration technique that consists of direct observation of the skin using a system that allows the microscopic structures of skin lesions to be observed […]

<strong>EPSIT: Endoscopic Pilonidal Sinus Treatment</strong>

EPSIT: Endoscopic Pilonidal Sinus Treatment

Minimally invasive Surgery applied to the treatment of Pilonidal Sinus (Sacrococcygeal Fistula or Sacral Cyst). Pilonidal sinus is a common health problem that primarily affects young people. It is an intergluteal cyst that presents recurrent infections in the area. It has a significant impact on the quality of life, causing work and school absenteeism. Definitive […]

Biomechanics-ergodynamics Unit


Biomechanics is the discipline that studies the movement of the human body, whether walking, running or performing any action that involves movement. These studies are applicable: Children and adolescentsHigh arched feet, flat valgus feet due to ligamentous laxity, Genu Valgus, lower extremity dysmetria, scoliotic attitude, scoliosis, adducted feet, periostitis, gonalgia, osgood-schlatter. AdultsAlterations of the feet, […]


El papel de un técnico o auxiliar de enfermeria en un sociosanitario - Policlínica Comarcal del Vendrell

The work of nursing technicians in a socialhealth care unit aims to provide complete and personalized care, as well as to meet the needs of people in a situation of dependency, including the entire set of health and social care. The functions focus on the care of those who require help in their day to […]


Día del abuelo, 26 de julio | Policlínica Comarcal del Vendrell

HONOR TO WHOM HONOR IS DUE Every July 26 we celebrate in our country, a very special and endearing day “THE GRANDFATHER’S DAY”. That wonderful person, an example of perseverance, unconditional love and delivery. The one that complements and has complemented everyone’s life and that is at the top of our family trees. Perfect opportunity […]

Thanks to the Pere Relats Foundation


From Policlínica Comarcal del Vendrell we want to thank the Pere Relats Foundation, especially its occupational therapists, Ms. Marta Mayol and Ms. Isabel Roca for the donation of wheelchairs they have made to our center. Thank you very much! PCV Management

New nuclear magnetic resonance Teslas


Policlínica Comarcal del Vendrell in its continuous effort to be at the forefront of new technologies has installed a new nuclear magnetic resonance. This, given its characteristics and capabilities, is unique in the entire area and allows us to go one step further in the control and detection of pathologies. Magnetic resonance imaging is a […]